In the movie “The way of the peaceful warrior” written by Dan Millman, which is one of my favourite movies. The lead actor Nick Nolte said “there is never nothing going on”.
This has been ringing in my head ever since my walk up the uneven streets back to my current home in India… The ashram where I am studying and practice Yoga and Meditation.
Of course in India there is ALWAYS something happening.. A million things at once.
However where my location is, which is at the foot of the Himalayans, there is a rather peaceful yet playful energy from the town workers, the mini shop owners, the children playing on the street and the occasional scooter or tuk tuk weaving in and out of the pot holes.
One sunny day walking back alone from the main part of Rishikesh i observed all the action that was before my eyes however in slow motion. The sounds became so clear and the colours so vivid. This was life happening right in front of me I was fully present with my existence in this body we call our bodies. These eyes were seeing as my heart was feeling the intensity of the moment as the sun shone down on my cheeks not too hot and not too bright subtle but perfect. A little black dog shot out from the corner running, like it was chasing something but not barking then another brown dog ran after him, then a white dog chased around the corner following them like it was some race.. I turned around to watch to see what the commotion was but couldn’t make it out, I just smiled.. Then I started laughing to myself because this little black furry dog the last one of the group the smallest and maybe the youngest was at the tail end of this dog chase all within a matter of 20 sec this put me in a state of bliss. It seemed like everyone was playing. Skipping down the road a brother and a sister saying hello so genuinely happy to practice their English on someone, perhaps words that they just learned in school. I heard the bigger sister whisper to her little brother, “what’s your name?”, As he tried to repeat it back to her. She said that’s right as they repeated it again. It seemed so quiet for India even though all this was going on. Someone else chanting mantras off their balcony. The snapping sound of rugs being shaken out off the porch. The calm quiet steps of women walking by with the straw piled high on top of their heads maintaining perfect balance.
I glance over across the land and notice how hard the farmers are working on the fields as the dust creates it’s own dance in the gentle breeze of the mid afternoon.
This day is now and never will be repeated. Absorb the light of the moment because it won’t come again yet another day will come however a new experience of being in this exact place at this exact time, yet in a different moment.
These are the gifts I receive when I connect, when I go inside and listen and hold space for all of the internal colours to create my outer reality.