7 Day Chakra Challenge

March 1st- March 7th

Welcome to the 7 day Chakra Challenge!

Starts March 1st to March 7th

The 60 min zoom call with me will be on the events page once you click below to register and create an account with Namastream (which is free)

The 7 day Yoga Chakra Challenge to attend is only $7 CAD!

You receive:

  • Downloadable chakra booklet- Explains 1-7 chakra

  • Zoom call (60 min)

  • Private FaceBook group and community

  • Draw prize at the end

  • Live broadcast- meditation and breathwork 20 min practice

  • 7 Yoga videos released each day on the Namastream platform

3 simple steps to get started:

  1. Download the free Chakra booklet which will break down each chakra in a basic foundation and easy to digest. Chakra booklet

  2. Sign up on Namastream and create an account Register for Chakra Challenge

  3. Follow the Private FB group page Chakra challenge private page Introduce yourself and tell us what your intention is for the challenge.